Da-iCE 's song is karuta! ? New sensation card game "Kanta" to be played with lyrics!

A new sensation card game "Kari Uta" to play with the lyrics and "Kaka x Da-iCE " Da-iCE BEST ver. "" Which is a collaboration between the best album " Da-iCE BEST " will be released. did! It will be on sale on June 9, 2019 (Sun) at the venue of the national tour " Da-iCE BEST TOUR 2019"!


"Hunting" is a game that plays your favorite song and quickly picks up a card with the same lyrics as the song. The collaborative product "Kanta x Da-iCE " Da-iCE BEST ver. "" Is designed to be enjoyed with the songs of the best album " Da-iCE BEST ". Please enjoy the karaoke and expeditions at the hotel!


【Product Summary】

■ Product name: Hunting song x Da-iCE " Da-iCE BEST ver."

■ Price: 2,500 yen (tax included)

Contents: 100 cards


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