“SKY PerfecTV! Music Festival 2018” Appearance!

SKY PerfecTV! Has decided to appear at the SKY PerfecTV! Music Festival 2018, a festival of gorgeous artists that has been held every year since 2015.
It will be held on Wednesday, March 14, and will be broadcast live on BS SKY PerfecTV!
≪Broadcast overview≫ ※ Broadcast contents are subject to change.
Title: SKY Perfect! Music Festival 2018
Broadcast date and time: Live from 7:00 to 11:30 after Wednesday, March 14, 2018
MC: Becky, Hama Okamoto (OKAMOTO'S)
Music Director: Akimitsu Honma
Performing artists: * Please confirm the above.
Channel: BS SKY PerfecTV! (BS241 / Premium Service 579)
Viewing method: Subscribers to SKY PerfecTV! Channels or pack sets can watch for free.
Official site:
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